View TV Play Plus: The Next Level of FAST Channel Playout

View TV Play Plus – View TV, a global streaming service that offers live TV, FAST channels, and AVOD content, has announced the launch of View TV Play V2, a new and improved version of its cloud TV playout solution that enables linear television broadcasters of all sizes to create, curate, manage, and deliver linear television services to multiple analogues, OTT, and Connected TV platforms.

View TV Play Plus is a result of View TV’s technology partners of leading providers of FAST channel solutions, and Kapang, a leading FAST Channel platform.

, Streaming News - View TVx
FAST Channel Playout

View TV Play PLUS is a platform that uses advanced technology and features to deliver a high-quality and reliable streaming experience, and to provide a scalable and profitable streaming solution to content owners and operators. View TV Play V2 enables content owners and operators to:

  • Create and manage their own FAST channels, using View TV Play, a cloud TV playout solution that allows linear television broadcasters of all sizes to create, curate, manage, and deliver linear television services to multiple analogues, OTT, and Connected TV platforms. View TV Play uses the latest cloud technology to provide high-quality and reliable streaming TV channels that can reach and engage with diverse audiences. View TV Play also allows content owners and operators to customize and optimize their content offering and user interface for different languages and cultures, using Fast Broadcaster’s cloud-based tools, such as FAST Channel Builder, FAST Channel Distributor, and FAST Channel Analyzer.
  • Monetize their FAST channels through advertising and sponsorship models, using View TV Marketplace, a video ad-buying platform that provides the advertising and sponsorships to monetize fantastic FAST Channels and their associated AVOD services across global CTV Platforms to deliver sustainable earnings for broadcasters & content owners. View TV Marketplace uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide 100% ad fill, meaning that every ad break is filled with relevant and targeted ads, and that no ad revenue is lost. View TV Marketplace also allows content owners and operators to track and measure their ad performance and impact, and to access real-time data and insights on their revenue streams, using View TV Cloud, an integrated cloud broadcasting service that provides FAST Channel playout, broadcast-grade CDN, integrated SSAI, View TV Ads, and View TV Studios content.
  • Distribute and deliver their FAST channels across multiple platforms and devices, such as Samsung TV Plus, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV, using View TV Connect, a cloud TV distribution solution that enables any existing broadcaster to become a master of CTV and Streaming TV with minimal operational change and maximum results. View TV Connect uses cloud-based infrastructure and automation software to provide zero cost distribution, meaning that content owners and operators do not have to pay any fees or commissions to the platforms or devices that they distribute their content to. View TV Connect also allows content owners and operators to leverage the popularity and quality of these platforms and devices, and to enhance the user experience and satisfaction.

View TV’s CEO, Jamie Branson, said: “We are very excited to launch View TV Play Plus, a new and improved version of our cloud TV playout solution that enables linear television broadcasters of all sizes to create, curate, manage, and deliver linear television services to multiple analogues, OTT, and Connected TV platforms.”

View TV Play Plus is a result of our partnership with Kapang and JB tech, who have provided us with the best FAST channel solutions and TV automation software in the market. We are confident that View TV Play V2 will help us grow and succeed in the streaming industry, and to provide more value and variety to our viewers and advertisers.”

Check out View TV Play Plus at

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