View TV Platform – Empowering FAST Platforms to achieve revenues content creators and broadcasters demand.

We’ve recently overhauled several FAST Channel broadcasters, optimizing them for wider distribution. This revamp has given us valuable insights into audience engagement and ad-fill rates. A recurring challenge has been ad-fill, which is often compromised by programmatic trading that allows advertisers to target narrow audience segments.   Other tech provider solutions are not providing more than 30% fill but deducting the technology fees preferentially.

Our solution guarantees a 100% ad-fill rate using addressable, promising more than $0.01 per every ad, per viewer, per session, (1,000 concurrent people watching would provide $240/hour) provided your app integrates the necessary data. A common hurdle we’ve observed is the reluctance of channels and platforms to absorb fixed costs without the certainty of ad sales.

, Streaming News - View TVx
FAST Channel Middlemen

Ad-fill, not viewership or distribution, is the primary culprit behind revenue loss in FAST channels. For example, 1 million viewing hours should yield over $250,000 in monthly gross revenue. However, inefficiencies and multiple intermediary cuts significantly reduce this figure.

We offer a comprehensive solution that includes a real-time information dashboard for you and a revenue dashboard for the channel or content owner. This package encompasses CDN, SSAI, and Ad-fill, all integrated into a seamless system. Our model ensures 100% ad-fill across four advertising tiers, with our Top Tier enabling direct ad purchases on your platform at $25-$35 CPM, bypassing DSP revenue shares. Moreover, these funds are secured upfront.

So, the main points we cover are:

  1. We provide the CDN/SSAI and Ad-fill with Reporting dashboards for all parties as an integral solution,
  2. We deduct the cost of the Opex fees from the advertising revenue earned and not charge up front for these,
  3. The revenue share with the channel will either be paid to either party, e.g. if $1,000 is earned in advertising with $200 technology fees, this would leave $800 and we would pay the 50/50 to both parties,
  4. We will pay all advertising revenues earned at the end of the trading month within 28 days to both parties,

We would require some assurances on our efforts having enough audience as we must have the ad-management assigned to a team, but this would be a fraction of the cost of having an internal ad sales team.

We also have over 100 premium channels including Local TV broadcasters on the same solution available for distribution and 17,000 pieces of AVOD listed on TMDB who entrust us to provide the distribution.

Is this the solution you are looking for, if so drop me a line we should hop on a call asap as we are releasing the PR over the next day or so.

We would simply acct as the advertising sales team rather than the technology provider.

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