Unified FAST Plus solution from View TV solves major issues in ad-funded Streaming TV – CES Pre-Release

Introducing Unified FAST Plus [UFP] from View TV – an integrated component of the View TV Cloud that revolutionizes the landscape for existing FAST Channels, content creators, distributors, and traditional television channels transitioning to Streaming TV and Connected TV [CTV] platforms.

Tackling the major challenges prevalent in these domains, Unified FAST Plus is designed to seamlessly address the gaps within the current ecosystem. By doing so, it not only resolves the prevailing issues with FAST [Free Ad-funded Streaming Television] but also instills confidence in embracing Streaming TV as the lucrative future for traditional broadcasters. By elevating content delivery experience, overcoming obstacles, and providing a sound financial decision with Unified FAST Plus – it provides a gateway to a streamlined and prosperous streaming future.

View TV Cloud enables content creators and studios with the confidence to invest in new content using traditional methods whilst forecasting and earning real returns on FAST FIRST content investments.

FAST is a new method of content delivery not a new format – stop compartmentalising!

Revolutionize your perspective on television with the all-new FAST Channels! Gone are the days when FAST was merely an excuse to sidestep traditional TV formats and expensive compliance operations. View TV is transforming the landscape by evolving FAST into a sophisticated business model – a powerful method for monetizing linear television whilst providing the uplifting tools to early FAST adopters without additional investment.

Unlike some industry players, View TV has harnessed the industry shift to avoid the sub-industry and simply upgrade TV that not only meets but exceeds stakeholder expectations. Forget the annoyances of below-par channel creation solutions – the View TV innovative approach ensures a seamless and gratifying experience for the two major stakeholders in television: TV audiences and TV advertisers. Embrace a new era of television with FAST Channels – where quality meets innovation!

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The Future of TV is FAST

Unified FAST Plus from View TV solves major Streaming TV issues

Unlock a world of possibilities with Unified FAST Plus, equipped with essential features to address significant challenges faced by FAST Channel broadcasters. Seamlessly distributing content across various global CTV and OTT platforms, the View TV solution ensures a unified approach to audience and revenue reporting. Additionally, it fortifies the commercial model, making it not only predictable but also highly investable. Say goodbye to complexities and embrace a streamlined broadcasting experience with View TV and Unified FAST Plus.

Unified FAST Plus includes the following key features developed to resolve major issues being faced by early adopters and traditional TV broadcasters demanding to migrate to Streaming TV:-

UFS One – Truly Unified SaaS Solution with no minimum monthly commitments – Unified FAST Plus

Experience the comprehensive capabilities of View TV Cloud, your all-in-one solution encompassing origin pick-up, FAST content delivery, FAST Channel distribution, monetization strategies, channel performance reporting, and even broadcast-grade origin playout.

Choose from three distinct pricing packages, including the unbeatable Pay-as-you-grow model. With this flexible option, enjoy all the tools you need without any monthly commitment fees – View TV are so confident in their solution, pay solely for the time your FAST channel is actively watched and monetised, including all of the Cloud TV Playout options. Elevate your broadcasting experience with View TV Cloud, where simplicity and efficiency converge seamlessly.

All fees are charged as a Video CDN starting at $0.005/Gb including all cloud based broadcast tools and live reporting solutions.

UFS Two – Cross-platform CTV Distribution with 100% fill – Unified FAST Plus

View TV Cloud using its unique five tier ad-pyrimid structure fills 100% of the advertising guarenteed. 100% Ad-fill on FAST channels not only secures maximum revenues being earned from each linear advertising break, but also provides a quality viewer experience not having to watch through ad-slates or “we will be right back” notices that cause viewers to switch channels.

100% ad-fill provides audience retension as well as considerably higher linear ad-break revenues by tiering the ad-inventory groups and scaling channel ad-yield using a mix of programmatic ad-trading, addressable premium demand, inter-platform ads and call to action oppertunities.

There are no excuses why all Streaming TV services should not fill 100% of available ad inventory, but this tends to stem from full reliance on downstream DSP’s [Demand Side Platform – The Ad-sellers] and bad ad-technology syntax.

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Streaming TV is a Happy Place for audiences

UFS Three – Launch any channel to consumers unhindered in days – Unified FAST Plus

Addressing a significant challenge in FAST, View TV has collaborated with Kapang to expedite the acceptance and launch process for broadcasters and channel operators on CTV and OTT platforms. Through this strategic partnership, any channel can seamlessly feature on the Kapang CTV Platform within days, eliminating the need for a channel review or lengthy onboarding procedures. Leveraging View TV’s tools and the accessible managed service team, content and channel brands can be deployed as authentic television experiences in just a matter of days, utilizing a proven channel format employed by traditional broadcasters for decades.

Once the FAST channel is live and monetizing on Kapang, View TV efficiently notifies all major platforms of its availability for distribution, providing a broadcast-ready feed within a few hours linked to the same channel dashboard. The Unified FAST Solution streamlines global distribution for all channels to all platforms, eliminating the necessity for in-house broadcast expertise. Simplify your reach and amplify your impact with View TV’s cutting-edge solutions.

UFS Four – Single Point Live Reporting Dashboard – Unified FAST Plus

The transparancy of audience and revenue reporting across different OTT and CTV platforms has been complex with some platforms providing end of month spreadsheets or basic ad-revenue reporting requiring the channel operators to consolodate the different formats using costly third party solutions or requiring hours of consolodation in Microsoft Excel.

Broadcasters require transparency and at least daily reporting to understand channel curation feedback so they can react quickly and report returns on content investments and future content spends based on the data.

The unified FAST Plus dashboard from View TV Cloud provides the same quality of data across all platforms when the View TV technology is integrated within the various endpoints providing the same data benefits to the partner platforms.

UFS Five – Channel Sponsorship and Product Placement technologies double the revenue oppertunities to broadcasters.

FAST Channel sponsorships by programme genre, time of day or by location not only provide a much needed additional revenue stream, but it is also excluded from the revenue share agreements with third-party CTV and OTT Platforms. Sponsorships provide substantial revenue oppertunities to Streaming TV channels providing an uplift for 50-100% over FAST Channel ad-pods only.

Product placement is another excsluive additional revenue stream and has been fundemental in the growth of YouTuber channels. View TV brings a more professional set of AI tools to take advantage of monetising product and brand placements within television channel content providing upto 30% additional revenue per hour watched.

UFS Six – Live Sports and Live Event Broadcasting is a walk in the park

With its Unified FAST solution, View TV caters to live sports broadcasting and live event coverage, including music concerts and conferences. Pop-up events have usually not performed on FAST as the ad-services fail to respond to live pop-up channels within a few hours. The View platform offers seamless and cost-effective solutions, utilizing industry-standard hardware and software. Easily incorporate professional SCTE-based advertising breaks into Telestream Wirecast, Blackmagic, or VMIX setups through a straightforward browser-based cloud interface.

Alternatively, conduct comprehensive live production and social media video clipping in the cloud with the integrated View TV Live Producer solution, provided to all channel creators at no additional cost.

Elevate and truly monetise your live broadcasting experience with View TV’s versatile and fully integrated user-friendly solutions.

UFS Seven – FAST Ad-payments within 28 days across all platforms – Unified FAST Plus

Experience expedited financial transactions with FASTer Payments by View TV, ensuring that all broadcasters receive their payments within 28 days of month-end. This innovative solution significantly reduces the wait time for platform payments, minimizing delays that can extend to 60, 90, or even 120 days. Currently, channels face the challenge of paying technical fees within a standard 28-day period while waiting for their sole revenue stream, which may take up to six months. Recognizing this cash flow gap, View TV introduces an interim financing option.

This streamlined approach allows broadcasters to access funds within the standard 28-day terms, covering various advertisers and broadcasters without the need for intricate and costly cash flow finance solutions that can reject non-tangable transactions.

Transform your financial landscape with FASTer Payments – a swift and efficient solution designed to eliminate unnecessary cash flow challenges and prime the pump for FAST Channel Broadcasters.

UFS Eight – No revenue shares in FAST Channel Distribution or O&O operations

View TV adopts a unique approach in the realm of FAST (Free Ad-supported Streaming Television) Channel distribution by eschewing the conventional practice of taking revenue shares. Unlike many other platforms, View TV prioritizes maintaining an equitable revenue flow between technical services and content providers, mirroring the financial dynamics of traditional television.

This departure from the norm is rooted in a commitment to fostering a sustainable and mutually beneficial ecosystem for both content creators and the technical infrastructure that facilitates channel delivery. By eliminating revenue shares, View TV seeks to create an environment that encourages innovation, content diversity, and fair compensation for all stakeholders involved in the FAST Channel landscape.

In stark contrast to prevalent industry practices, View TV firmly rejects the idea of profiting from revenue shares associated with FAST Channel delivery. This principled stance ensures that the revenue generated remains unaffected by a percentage-based distribution model. In doing so, View TV upholds a commitment to transparency and fairness, aiming to create an industry landscape where both technical services and content providers thrive in tandem.

This philosophy not only sets View TV apart but also signals a paradigm shift in the dynamics of the rapidly evolving streaming industry, where maintaining a balance between technical and content services becomes integral to sustaining a flourishing ecosystem.

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Unified FAST Channel Platform with Amazing Results

What is next for View TV and its private cloud-based Unified FAST Solution?

View TV Cloud, equipped with its Unified FAST Solution, not only offers a straightforward centralized broadcaster toolset shaping the future of television but also effectively addresses a plethora of identified cost, revenue, distribution, and reporting challenges.

This comprehensive solution empowers traditional broadcasters to transition confidently into the realm of Streaming Television, providing them with familiar tools and data without the burden of legacy issues and commercial uncertainty.

View TV also offers managed services so channels can outsource their channel operations providing a highly experienced team at a fraction of the cost of creating the service in-house.

With View TV Cloud, embrace the evolution of television seamlessly and embark on a journey into Streaming Television with assurance and familiarity.

Contact View TV now at https://viewtvx.com

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