TV manufacturers can you stop competing against the networks – it sucks

The world of television has witnessed a remarkable transformation over the past few years, driven largely by the rise of streaming services and the increasing popularity of cord-cutting. While these changes have given viewers more options than ever, there is an emerging trend that is causing a degree of frustration among consumers—the move by TV manufacturers to develop their own services on their devices. In this article, we explore how this trend is impacting the industry and why many consumers are calling for the return of the set-top box to regain agnostic TV services.

The Rise of Manufacturer-Specific Services

Major TV manufacturers like Samsung, LG, and Sony have ventured into the realm of content distribution by creating their own smart TV platforms and services. While these platforms offer a range of apps and content, they often come with exclusivity agreements, which can limit the availability of certain apps or services on their competitors’ devices. This approach, while advantageous for manufacturers looking to differentiate their products, has raised concerns among consumers.

The Consumer’s Perspective of Smart TV Services

  1. Fragmentation: The proliferation of manufacturer-specific platforms and services has led to fragmentation in the streaming landscape. Viewers often find themselves having to switch between different smart TV platforms to access their favorite content, which can be both cumbersome and frustrating.
  2. Lack of Agnosticism: Consumers desire an agnostic TV service—one that is not tied to a specific brand or device. They want the freedom to choose any television they like and still have access to the same content and apps seamlessly.
  3. Compatibility Issues: The lack of compatibility between different smart TV platforms can be a significant hurdle for consumers. It may limit their ability to access specific streaming services or apps they’ve grown accustomed to.
  4. Consumer Confusion: The multitude of options and interfaces can lead to consumer confusion, as each manufacturer has its own unique navigation and layout, making it difficult for users to adapt quickly.

The Call for the Return of Set-Top Boxes

Given these challenges, many consumers are now calling for a return to the simplicity and agnosticism of set-top boxes. Here’s why:

  1. Unified Experience: Set-top boxes offer a unified and consistent experience across different television brands. Users can access their preferred content and apps without any limitations.
  2. Flexibility: Consumers can upgrade or change their television sets without worrying about losing access to their favourite streaming services or content.
  3. Content Neutrality: Set-top boxes do not favour any particular content provider or service, ensuring a level playing field for all.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Many set-top boxes provide user-friendly interfaces that are easy to navigate and familiar to users.


While TV manufacturers’ foray into developing their own services has brought innovation and competition to the industry, it has also resulted in a fragmented and less user-friendly landscape for consumers. The demand for agnostic TV services that can be accessed on any television is growing, and many consumers are calling for the return of set-top boxes as a solution to this issue. Ultimately, the industry must find a balance between innovation and user convenience to ensure that viewers can enjoy their content seamlessly, regardless of the television brand they choose.

Check out Kapang – They do not make televisions.

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