OTT Platforms: What They Are and Why You Need Them

OTT platforms are the new frontier of the streaming TV industry, as they allow content creators and distributors to offer their own video services directly to viewers over the internet, bypassing traditional cable or satellite TV providers. OTT stands for over-the-top, which means that the content is delivered over the public internet, rather than a private network.

OTT platforms have many advantages for both content providers and viewers, such as:

  • Cost-efficiency: OTT platforms can reduce the costs of production and distribution, as they do not require expensive infrastructure or equipment. They also offer flexible pricing models, such as subscription, advertising, or transactional, which can suit different budgets and preferences.
  • Scalability: OTT platforms can easily scale up or down to meet the demand of viewers, as they use cloud-based services and platforms that can handle large volumes of traffic and data. They also offer global reach, as they can deliver content to any device or location that has internet access.
  • Flexibility: OTT platforms can offer a variety of content genres and formats, such as live and on-demand, linear and nonlinear, short and long-form. They also allow content providers to customize their user interface, branding, and features, to create a unique and engaging viewing experience.
  • Interactivity: OTT platforms can enable more interaction and engagement between content providers and viewers, as they can offer features such as chat, comments, polls, ratings, recommendations, and social media integration. They also allow viewers to have more control and choice over their viewing behavior, such as when, where, and how to watch.

There are many OTT platforms in the market that offer different features and prices for streaming video. Some of the most popular ones are Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, and HBO Max. These platforms offer original and exclusive content, as well as licensed content from other sources.

However, OTT platforms are not only for big players or mainstream audiences. There are also niche OTT platforms that cater to specific interests and needs of viewers, such as sports, fitness, education, religion, and more. These platforms allow content creators to target and monetize their audiences more effectively.

If you are a content creator or distributor who wants to leverage the opportunities and benefits of OTT platforms, you need to consider some factors before choosing or creating your own OTT platform, such as:

  • Your target audience: You need to know who your potential viewers are, what kind of content they want to watch, how much they are willing to pay, and what devices they use.
  • Your content strategy: You need to know what kind of content you want to offer, how often you want to update it, how long you want it to be available, and how you want to monetize it.
  • Your technology partner: You need to find a reliable and reputable technology partner who can provide you with the necessary tools and services for creating and managing your OTT platform. Some of these tools and services include video hosting, video CMS, video encoding, video delivery, video analytics, video security, video monetization, video marketing, and more.

OTT platforms are the future of streaming TV, as they offer a more convenient, affordable, diverse, and personalized viewing experience for viewers. They also offer a more profitable, scalable, flexible, and interactive way for content providers to reach and engage their audiences. If you want to join the OTT revolution, you need to start planning your OTT platform today.

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