Magic FAST Channel revenues are a myth, get marketing now

Magic FAST Channel Revenues – Many FAST Channels Think That Revenues Are Earned Magically and In Fact They Need to Invest in the FAST Channel Brand, FAST Channel Marketing and Their Social Media to Drive Audiences Which in Turn Will Drive Revenue Based on the Number of Hours Watched.

Number of Hours watched

x Number of Ads per hour (i.e. 24 x 30 seconds)

x Average Ad CPM

= FAST Channel Revenues

Jamie Branson – View TV

FAST channels, or free ad-supported streaming television, are a new and popular form of streaming content, that offer free linear and on-demand content to viewers, across various genres and platforms. FAST channels are monetized through advertising, which can be traditional, addressable, sponsorships, interactive, or programmatic. FAST channels have many advantages over legacy TV channels, such as lower costs, higher flexibility, accurate audience statistics and wider reach.

However, FAST channels also face many challenges and risks, such as increasing competition, changing regulations, and evolving consumer preferences. To survive and thrive in the streaming market, FAST channels need to invest in their FAST channel brand, FAST channel marketing, and their social media, to drive audiences which in turn will drive revenue based on the number of hours watched. This is because:

  • FAST channel brand: FAST channels need to create and maintain a strong and consistent brand identity, that can differentiate and position themselves in the streaming market, and that can align with their target audience and genre. If you called a FAST Channel “REDBULL TV” you could guess what the style of content would be like. FAST channels need to design and customize their own channel interface, layout, and features, and to upload and manage their content library and schedule. FAST channels also need to communicate and promote their brand message and value proposition, and to leverage their brand awareness and recall. Brand identity is a key factor that influences viewers’ and advertisers’ perception and preference, and that impacts FAST channels’ competitiveness and sustainability.
  • FAST channel marketing: FAST channels need to provide effective and efficient marketing services, that can promote and advertise their content to the target audience and market, and that can generate awareness and interest for their channel. FAST channels need to use various channels and strategies, such as social media, websites, press releases, trailers, posters, and more, to reach and engage with potential viewers, investors, distributors, and critics. FAST channels also need to attend and submit to film festivals, hire publicists and agents, secure distribution deals, and organize screenings and premieres, to showcase and sell their content. Marketing services are a key factor that influences viewers’ and advertisers’ engagement and retention, and that impacts FAST channels’ performance and growth.
  • FAST Channel Social Media: FAST channels need to utilize and optimize their social media presence, that can enhance and personalize their interaction and relationship with their viewers and advertisers, and that can offer more value and variety to their channel. FAST channels need to create and manage their own social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, and to post and share relevant and engaging content, such as behind-the-scenes, sneak peeks, teasers, polls, quizzes, and more. FAST channels also need to respond and listen to their viewers’ and advertisers’ feedback, comments, questions, and suggestions, and to incorporate them into their channel improvement and innovation. Social media presence is a key factor that influences viewers’ and advertisers’ satisfaction and loyalty, and that impacts FAST channels’ revenue and reputation.

Therefore, FAST channels need to invest in their FAST channel brand, FAST channel marketing, and their social media, to drive audiences which in turn will drive revenue based on the number of hours watched. FAST channels need to realize that revenues are not earned magically, but rather, they are earned through hard work and smart strategy. FAST channels need to learn from and emulate the best practices and standards of legacy TV channels and other streaming services, while also innovating and improving their own streaming solutions. FAST channels need to meet and exceed the expectations and demands of viewers and advertisers, and to prove that streaming can make it better, not worse.

, Streaming News - View TVx
Magic FAST Channel Revenues

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