FAST Streaming TV Is No Different From Traditional Broadcasting in the eyes of the audience & advertisers – so STOP saying it is

FAST Streaming TV is not different from traditional broadcasting. Don’t separate FAST Linear TV from traditional broadcasting, audiences and advertisers see no difference. It’s only classified separately due to new players capitalizing on unregulated opportunities. But, this has allowed genius producers to deliver what was impossible before. Let’s focus on delivering what audiences want, not just what technology provides.

FAST streaming TV, or free ad-supported streaming television, is a streaming model that imitates broadcast television. Essentially, viewers can choose from a variety of free “channels”, which are supported entirely by advertisements. FAST streaming TV has been gaining popularity in recent years, as it offers more choice and convenience to viewers, and more revenue opportunities to content owners and operators.

FAST Channels should operate no different to that of Broadcasters

However, people may argue that FAST streaming TV is not different from traditional broadcasting, and that it should not be called a different service. They may point out that FAST streaming TV shares many similarities with traditional broadcasting, such as:

  • Content quality: FAST streaming TV offers high-quality and engaging content, that can compete with the content offered by traditional broadcast TV and other streaming services. FAST streaming TV features content from various genres and categories, such as news, sports, comedy, music, and more. FAST streaming TV also features content from some of the biggest and most reputable content providers, such as ITV Studios, View TV, and YouTube Allstars.
  • User experience: FAST streaming TV provides a smooth and seamless user experience, that enhances and personalizes viewers’ enjoyment and convenience, and that matches or exceeds the user experience offered by traditional broadcast TV and other streaming services. FAST streaming TV distributes and delivers its content across multiple platforms and devices, such as Kapang, Samsung TV Plus, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV, and integrates with various ad networks and partners. FAST streaming TV also optimizes its content discovery, navigation, and playback features, and minimizes its buffering, loading, and ad frequency issues.
  • Brand identity: FAST streaming TV creates and maintains a strong and consistent brand identity, that differentiates and positions itself in the streaming market, and that aligns with its target audience and genre. FAST streaming TV designs and customizes its channel interface, layout, and features, and uploads and manages its content library and schedule. FAST streaming TV also communicates and promotes its brand message and value proposition, and leverages its brand awareness and recall.

Therefore, FAST streaming TV is not different from traditional broadcasting, and it should not be called a different service. FAST streaming TV is simply a modern and improved version of traditional broadcasting, that uses the internet as its delivery medium, rather than the airwaves. FAST streaming TV is accurately measurable, less risky in the costs, and allows for higher revenues per hour.

FAST Services are not without risk, like any other business

However, this does not mean that FAST streaming TV is without challenges and risks. FAST streaming TV faces increasing competition from other streaming services, such as Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu, that offer premium content and features for a monthly fee. FAST streaming TV also faces changing regulations and standards from the streaming industry, such as ratings, captions, and parental controls. FAST streaming TV also needs to adapt to the changing preferences and behaviors of the viewers and the advertisers, who demand more value and variety from the streaming service.

Why is the FAST approach going to work?

Therefore, FAST streaming TV needs to constantly innovate and improve its streaming solution, to stay ahead of the curve and to meet the expectations and demands of the market. FAST streaming TV needs to learn from and emulate the best practices and standards of traditional broadcasting, while also incorporating new and emerging technologies and features, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, interactive TV, virtual and augmented reality, and cloud-based infrastructure.

Traditional Broadcasters may meet Kodak demise.

Traditional Broadcasters need to avoid the fate of Kodak, the iconic company that failed to grasp the significance of a technological transition that threatened its business. Kodak was once the world leader in film photography, but it failed to adapt to the digital revolution, and eventually filed for bankruptcy in 2012 Kodak’s downfall was not about technology, but about business model, strategy, and culture. Kodak was aware of the digital threat, but it was unable to shift gears and refocus its business with so many forces in motion

FAST streaming TV can teach Broadcasters from Kodak’s mistakes, and avoid being complacent and resistant to change. FAST streaming TV can embrace the opportunities and challenges of the streaming industry, and transform its business model, strategy, and culture accordingly. FAST streaming TV can become a successful and sustainable streaming service, that provides more value and variety to its viewers and advertisers.

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