FAST Channel Connector Fees in content Distribution, why do they still exist?

FAST Channel Connector fees are the charges imposed by FAST channel playout partners for delivering a channel to each connected TV platform.

These fees are excessive and unnecessary, as the cost of delivery is minimal if CDN and SSAI are already paid for.

OTT Connector fees are detrimental to FAST channel revenues and benefit SaaS playout companies such as Wurl and Amagi, who also take an unfair share of the platform revenue.

Connector fees can be avoided

Some companies, such as View TV and Frequency, do not charge connector fees as part of their playout pricing and value customer satisfaction over profit. Some platforms, such as Kapang, offer to redistribute channels for free once they receive a single connector.

View TV Cloud delivers all platform feeds with no additional charges

View TV Cloud provides a single mezzanine feed to multiple platforms and a live dashboard for reporting for a fixed fee plus Broadcast CDN, SSAI and ad-trading fees. If no one watches the channel on a specific platform, there is no penalty.

You do not need to leave your existing playout just send the SRT or master HLS to View TV Cloud and they will send it everywhere else.

, Streaming News - View TVx
View TV Cloud Dashboard

What is the FAST Channel Distribution Process?

FAST channels (Free Ad-Supported TV) are a new way of delivering streaming content to viewers who want to watch linear TV for free.

FAST channels are similar to traditional TV channels, but they are streamed over the internet and supported by ads. FAST channels are growing in popularity, as they offer a variety of content from different genres and sources, such as indie movies, old TV shows, online videos, and niche topics.

However, distributing your content on FAST channels can be challenging, as there are many platforms and partners involved in the process. You need to consider the technical, operational, and business aspects of launching and managing your FAST channel. Here are some steps you can follow to distribute your content on FAST channels successfully:

Step 1: Choose Your Content and Target Audience

The first step is to decide what kind of content you want to offer on your FAST channel and who you want to reach. You can use your existing content library or create new content for your channel. You can also mix different types of content, such as long-form and short-form, to create a diverse and engaging programming lineup.

You should also identify your target audience and their preferences, such as demographics, interests, viewing habits, and devices. This will help you tailor your content and ads to suit their needs and expectations.

Step 2: Select Your Platform and Partner

The next step is to choose which platform and partner you want to work with to distribute your FAST channel. There are many options available, such as Pluto T, Tubi, Peacock, The Roku Channel, IMDbTV, Samsung TV+, and more. Each platform has its own requirements, features, benefits, and challenges.

You should also consider partnering with a service provider that can help you with the technical and operational aspects of launching and managing your FAST channel. For example, View TV offers a complete streaming solution that includes channel origination, playout, delivery, monetization, reporting, and more. View TV also allows you to distribute your channel to multiple platforms with a single mezzanine feed and no connector fees.

Step 3: Prepare Your Content and Ads

The third step is to prepare your content and ads for distribution on FAST channels. You need to ensure that your content meets the quality, format, metadata, and compliance standards of each platform. You also need to schedule your content according to the programming guide of each platform.

You also need to prepare your ads for dynamic insertion on FAST channels. You need to create ad breaks within your content and insert ad markers or cues. You also need to integrate with an ad server or network that can deliver relevant and personalized ads to your viewers. You should also monitor and optimize your ad performance and revenue.

Step 4: Launch and Promote Your Channel

The final step is to launch and promote your FAST channel on the selected platforms. You need to test your channel before going live and ensure that everything works smoothly. You also need to track and analyze your channel performance and viewer behaviour using analytics tools.

You also need to promote your channel to attract and retain viewers. You can use various marketing strategies, such as social media, email, SEO, PR, cross-promotion, etc., to increase awareness and engagement for your channel. You should also update your content and ads regularly to keep your viewers interested and satisfied.

FAST Channel Distribution Conclusion

FAST channels are a great way to distribute your content to a large and diverse audience who want to watch free linear TV. However, distributing your content on FAST channels requires careful planning and execution. By following the steps above, you can successfully launch and manage your FAST channels on multiple platforms and partners.

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