BroadcastCDN Released

Press Release

“Kapang announces 80/20 revenue share to BroadcastCDN customers”

Kapang is Connected TV platform delivering more than 400 FAST & subscription channel services  to viewers in the UK and USA using an internally developed private content distribution network (CDN), BroadcastCDN, to provide broadcast-grade encoding, delivery & monetization from an SRT/RIST live feed sent from any existing playout system.

BroadcastCDN provides a live linear & on-demand user experience that viewers demand, and advertisers embrace by delivering continuity & predictability to provide a sustainable business model for FAST channels and content owners.

What do FAST Channels need to be earning?

A typical niche FAST channel should be returning the same as any traditional broadcaster,  $1.5-$2m/annum, which can be easily achieved with an average of 20,000 people, a tiny fraction of US households, watching for 90 minutes per day. 

With BroadcastCDN 10% of the US population engaging in CTV FAST services would see annual revenues exceed $10 billion providing a sustainable content business model for more than 500 fully sustainable FAST CTV channels.

Kapang releases its distribution service to all

Kapang has announced the public release of its delivery & distribution solution BroadcastCDN offering channels an opportunity to use the secret sauce of Kapang across all platforms with an affordable & predictable cost.  

BroadcastCDN consists of video encoding, CDN, SSAI, ad server, monitoring, and distribution for a fixed CDN fee enabling any existing linear channels to reduce the number of integrated suppliers to one.  Broadcast CDN accepts SRT, RIST or MPEGTS for the source feed from most on-premise or cloud playout providers.

Broadcast CDN is halving Connected TV channel broadcast costs by eliminating the requirements for ZIXI distribution, cloud SSAI services and expensive CDN suppliers, reducing business risk, increasing ad revenues and distribute every channel to an unlimited number of global platforms without any additional distribution fees  

BroadcastCDN clients automatically receive 80% of revenues generated on Kapang (UK & USA) and has fully integrated delivery costs from $0.05/hour watched with a $0.25-$0.50/hour earning potential with no fixed fees to distribute the channels to other global platforms.

BroadcastCDN is the perfect solution for any broadcaster wanting to redistribute and monetise channels across multiple platforms FAST.

Service documentation available at:

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