View TV to launch FAST Streaming TV Channel created & operated solely using AI

AI TV Channel, View TV AI, will be made available on the Kapang platform and available for distribution across all platforms for the NAB Show 2023 in April.

View TV has created an AI-powered content creation tool that can take existing videos and generate new videos to provide a 24-hour channel that brings the latest trends, news and information into a channel faster than a human production team.

Scripts, Voice-overs, graphics and content will be edited or created using various forms of AI injection, delivering a service which audiences will find engaging and fascinating. However, we do not think it will be producing the next Top Gun Movie soon.

Using Deep Fake, AI thinking and GPU integration, the latest information can be scheduled to form a fantastic global channel for free using FAST Channel, Ad-funded Streaming TV.

To find out more, contact View TV or log on to the Kapang TV Platform and check out when the channel will be live.

, Streaming News - View TVx
Kapang TV

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